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What Really Matters?

I spoke something today that deeply impacted me.

The words you speak don’t matter; what matters is the mind that created the words

And what I meant by this is the understanding that we have two minds.

Personal Mind
We have a personal mind, which is the sum of our experiences, which grows and evolves over time, makes meanings, judgements, comparisons, holds biases, memories & ideas. The personal mind is made of formless energy and it creates the world of form that we experience.

Impersonal Mind
And we also have an impersonal mind, which is the sum of the whole universe across the whole of time, unchanging, unmoving, unbiased, quiet, silent, still. The impersonal mind is the formless energy that the personal mind is made of and the energy that the creates form we experience.

And what I’m pointing to is that we can use the same exact words to tell a story and the experience of the story is created from the clarity of the energy behind it.

As human beings, when we’re listening to something, we have two options available to us;
We can listen to something using the personal mind, filtered through our perceptions and our filters.
Or we can listen to something using our impersonal mind, by-passing the intellectual breakdown of what the words mean and going straight to feeling that created the words.

When we listen to something from the personal mind we may create emotional reactions of whatever the words say. We may find we take things personally and get distressed, anxious, angry, etc.
When we listen to something from the impersonal mind the words don’t matter so much and what we get is a felt sense of the place they were created from and we never take things personally, because we know where our wellbeing comes from and whatever is going on in the world of form has nothing to do with that.

Everything we experience we do through the personal mind. And sometimes the personal mind is clear and sometimes it’s clouded.

When the personal mind is clouded, all we see is our personal thinking everything looks and feels real, and the more thinking we have, the more real, important and urgent everything seems and the more we do from a place of cloudiness the more disturbance we create and the more clouded it gets. The more clouded our personal thinking is, the more disrupted the impersonal signal gets.

And when we’re clear minded, when there’s less personal thinking going on, and, as yoda said, “when you are calm, at peace, passive”, when our personal mind is clear we have direct access to the impersonal mind. We’re open to new data and able to make unbiased decisions that were previously unavailable because of our personal preferences. When we have an open mind we have access to more context sensitive information in the quantum field, and intuitively know things that logically we shouldn’t know.

We Create Our Own Reality
100% of the time, moment to moment, we’re creating our experience using our innate gift of thought. And we can use either the impersonal or personal minds to do that. And in this time of great change, what’s calling most of us is switching our primary mode of operation from the very personal to the very impersonal (or universal) minds.

The Words You Use Don’t Matter
And whilst the words themselves don’t matter, what matters is whether they were created from the Personal, Bias Mind, or the Impersonal, Universal Mind. And the magic lies in that, the words created from the Impersonal Mind will be deeply impactful in a way that creates space for people to copy what you do and impact others in a deeply impersonal way for the creation of a world energetic field that creates peace, harmony and unity.

You Get To Choose
You create your own reality, and you can choose in any moment to live from the Personal Mind, to take things personally, get offended, stressed, angry, anxious. Or you can choose to live from the Impersonal with flow and ease, and effortlessness.
And once you’ve made the decision of which one to follow, and are willing to follow where it leads you no matter where it goes, and once you’ve made that decision you may find yourself starting to notice whether you’re in the impersonal or the personal mind automatically and not taking the personal mind so seriously, because it’s always temporary and it will pass. Where as the impersonal mind is always there, silently watching.

Your body will let you know whether you’re in the impersonal, or the personal minds. The personal mind feels closed, judgemental, logical and “right”, where as living from the impersonal mind feels wide open, clear, loving & joyful.

There’s nothing to do, ever.
Trying to tamper with your experience, trying to change it or make it better is tinkering with the system, and doing so creates even more personal mind thinking.
The impersonal mind is in operation all the time and sometimes by letting our experience be what it is, even through moments of chaos the temporary personal thinking dissipates and all that remains is the impersonal mind that’s powering the whole thing remains, always.
And when people understand that their innate wellbeing, okayness, safety, clarity and peace of mind comes from the Impersonal Mind, and that’s there all the time whether we’re experiencing it or not they know that they’re going to be okay regardless because the source of who they are is formless.

  1. 1 July 2011 at 21:53

    Wonderful message indeed. It would be great if you could elaborate on the detection part. How does one sense what the body is telling, if it is through the way it feels, then again one is using the mind there isn’t it? And how does one choose to use the impersonal mind?

    • 1 July 2011 at 22:06

      Those are good questions.
      With “You’re always feeling your thinking” in mind, How do you sense what the body is telling you? What are some of the ways in which your body is telling you as to the way you’re using your mind?
      As for using the impersonal mind; You’re always using it, whether you’re creating personal thought or creating the silence that that personal thought floats in. How are you choosing to use your mind now? And given that you have the innate gift of thought to create any thinking you choose, what would you love to create?

  2. 27 June 2011 at 17:54

    Stunning! So well put ❤

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