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Wisdom vs Feels Right

Recently, I was at a workshop where we were investigating rules & feedback in the games of life we play – and one of the members of the group mentioned that they’d recently decided that they’d only do something if they had a visceral feeling of “Hell yeah” and I thought that would be an interesting game to try out – so I rebalanced my neurology to play that game of “Hell yeah, or no” in that if it felt really good then I’d do it, if it was anything short of a feeling of “There’s no question I’m going to do that” then I’d say no to doing it.

And over the following few weeks, I found that I became lost, disillusioned and nothing seemingly was going my way, and whilst I was still saying yes to things and enjoying myself as you’d expect by doing things that feel really exciting, all sense of direction had gone away.

And what I found last night was, that game of “Hell yeah, or no” had over-ridden my guidance provided to me by the universe which I access through my internal wisdom and that I’d become disconnected from it. So in effect, I’d taken a backwards step from where I was – And as soon as I saw that intuitively that game of “Hell yeah, or no” fell away and my innate GPS rebooted and started to effortlessly guide me again.

Which leads me onto the topic of today’s post;
Following wisdom vs doing what Feels right.

Doing what feels right can take us on a journey which is comfortable, where we do things that feel like the right thing to do and things that we’d say yes to easily.

Doing what wisdom is guiding us to do takes us on a different journey where somethings feel good to do, and somethings feel challenging – and because our innate wisdom is connected directly to the formless energy behind life (otherwise known as the quantum field) it’s not only context sensitive to the situation we find ourselves in, it’s also connected to all the information on the planet and is tuned to the best direction for all concerned and because the direction is taking into account the really big picture sometimes it doesn’t make rational sense on the immediate scale.

Doing what feels right gets puts us on an easy journey for a while, but removes opportunities for growth because we’re never challenging our perceptions of what feels bad.

Innate wisdom always points us in the optimal direction and will take us on a journey of fun and growth and puts us in positions where we have to resolve all the lies we’ve been telling ourselves.

Now there’s probably a question floating around now along the lines of;
How did I make this discernment?

Innate wisdom is always, and I mean always, operating even if we choose to override it. It’s always pointing in the optimal direction even when we’re going in the opposite direction – and so long as we’re engaging in life and being mindful of the feedback that we’re getting from the world around us and the signals from our body we’ll always end up back on track going in the right direction.

Impersonal Mind
The quantum field from which all things arise, atoms, molecules, planets, stars, galaxies – at the whole level, what David Bohm refers to as the implicate order, is a singularity of all energy and information in the universe across the whole of space and time.

Our innate ability to be aware, the formless, unconditioned, substanceless source of our experience. The blank canvas upon which our experience is created.

Our innate gift to think anything we want. The paint and brush that we use to create our picture of reality and experience directly.

Personal Mind
The collection of thought that we’ve created in our own neurology that colours and distorts how we see the world around us. A collection of all our beliefs, ideas, biases, personal ‘truths’, thoughts & perspectives. Our experience of life, limited to our own personal intelligence.

Our internal GPS, the inner knowing, the calling of our heart is operating in every moment and we have the ability to cloud it out with our Personal Mind or not.
Innate wisdom, connected to the optimal path for the whole planet.

Our body is a divine gift, it’s giving us feedback in each moment as to the quality of our thinking. Tension in the body is an indication that we’re using our personal mind ineffectively. A feeling of relaxed openness is feedback that our mind is clear and we’re closer to the unconditioned state of innate consciousness that all thought is created from.
We’re always feeling our thinking 100% of the time.

There’s nothing to do, ever.
The moment I saw I was following a personal bias rather than my innate wisdom and saw the stupidity between trying to do things ‘my way’ using my limited view created through the intellect of my brain instead of using the infinite quantum power that’s available to each and every one of us I just stopped doing it, there was no process to go through, no affirmations to repeat, nothing.
Because once we have a deep understanding of Mind, Consciousness and Thought the system corrects itself automatically & effortlessly.

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